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Setup adb and fastboot in windows

What is adb? 

  • adb stands for "Android debug bridge" it works as a bridge between Android phone and a Computer, where user connects the Phone with computer using USB, User can Debug the android with adb commands 
What is Fastboot?

  • Fastboot is a android recovery software used to perform operations related to boot loader, Fastboot mainly used to Unlock bootloader, Flash Partitions like recovery, system, vendor, etc. This all things can be done by passing commands to phone with Fastboot through computer 

Setup adb and fastboot 
Download the adb and fastboot setup from this link Download
  1. Save the downloaded file in your Windows PC 
  2. run the application as administrator
  3. press "y" on each option and complete the setup 

After completion of the setup, to use the adb and fastboot Open the command prompt or powershell and give the adb/fastboot commands. 
