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How chmod works in adb terminal

What is chmod? chmod is a Terminal command in Linux Operating systems, chmod stands for "change mode", The chmod command is used to change permissions of a file. This chmod command is available for Linux Operating systems and as we know Android is also based on Linux and It sup…

How to modify build.prop

What is build.prop? build.prop is a text file in /system directory contains properties of Android system. There are some more prop file can be found on a device like default.prop in / (root) directory, local.prop in /data directory, there are properties can be listed by adb shell getpro…

How to mount system as rw (read,write)

Mount system partition as read-write To modify the system partition in rooted devices it is necessary that system is mounted in read-write mode. For mounting system partition as read-write User will need root access and a adb shell or in device shell.  Steps for Rooting - 1. Bootloader Un…

Android History

What is Android   Android is a operating system based on Linux, created to work on smartphones, Android is most used operating system for smartphones, Android is also famous for its customization. Android is a open source OS therefore anyone can customize it Custom Rom developers develops…

Setup adb and fastboot in windows

What is adb?   adb stands for "Android debug bridge" it works as a bridge between Android phone and a Computer, where user connects the Phone with computer using USB, User can  Debug  the android with adb commands  What is Fastboot? Fastboot is a android recovery software used t…

Top Methods For Rooting

What is Rooting? Rooting is a process of getting administrative access in android operating system, Administrative/root privileges allows the user to modify each and every files and partitions of operating system. Rooting process adds a "su" (super user)  binary in /system/bin…

Best Custom Roms For Android

What is CustomRom? CustomRom is a customized firmware used in devices to break the limitations added in StockRom (preinstalled operating system) by  OEMs  (original equipment manufacturer), Custom  R oms comes with many useful features which cannot be used in stock Roms like Enable WiFi &…